Good habits are positive behaviors that you regularly practice.  Fostering these actions will bring you closer to success, happiness, and the lifestyle you want.  Just like when you learnt to ride a bike for the first time - it was hard work. So you practice and practice and...

The body is an amazingly efficient machine. And just all machines, its effectiveness requires lubrication. The body has many cooling mechanisms to help with the increase in body temperature, mainly the ability to sweat. As a result, during exercise, a substantial volume of body water may be...

'Power-to-weight ratio' - or watts/ kg What is it? Put simply as a formula: Power (watts) ÷ Mass (kg) Why does this matter and how does it rlate to a spin class? Power-to-weight ratio matters because it’s a good predictor of power, strength, fitness and overall cycling performance. Take the...

Professional athletes do it and numerous global studies, over many years, have proven that strength training and mobility training off the bike significantly helps on the bike performance! So, generally speaking, why do bike riders, only ride bikes? When it comes to strength training for increased...

Riding efficiency, outdoor, indoors or in cycle/spin classes is complemented by a good fit. A correct fit promotes optimal joint angles for which your muscles will work from. Even so, it is important to have an understanding of what muscle groups are used, but more...

All industries and sports have a language specific to their craft. Cycling / Spinning is no different Here are some of the more common terms and those that increase the sports specific understanding . WATTS/ POWER: A watt is a measure of how hard you working at any...

BIKE FIT IS NOT ONLY FOR OUTDOOR RIDING Bike fits are for everyone, especially new riders and indoor cycling/ spin classes! Some people suggest, and rightly so, that proper bike fit is essential so that you can produce the most power, most efficiently. But even more important...

The LT/VT threshold refers to the exercise intensity corresponding to the increase in blood lactate above resting levels (LT) and the associated change in gas exchange (VT). Both of these variables are powerful predictors of performance.  Why is this ‘point’ important? It is at this ‘point’ that...

Maximal Aerobic Power (Vo2) The term refers to the functional capacity of the cardiorespiratory system and can be described the maximum rate at which oxygen can be used over a period of time to supply oxygen to muscles. It is important to understand that it is not...

Endurance Exercise – Building the engine When it comes to exercise, there are two defining characteristics that decide the type of exercise we are doing; the duration and the intensity of the exercise Exercise = Duration x Intensity The term ‘endurance’ refers to one’s capacity to sustain a...