Are you considering spinning this year? Spin classes and stationary bikes are a great way to be active while keeping your overall impact to a minimum and developing a baseline level of cardiovascular fitness. If you’ve never trained before or it’s been a while since you’ve...

Spinning, also known as indoor cycling, is an exercise system that utilises stationary bikes, known as spin bikes, to work through a high-intensity interval training session, often led by a trained spin class instructor. During a spin class, your fitness is often put to the test....

Yes, it can definitely help with weight loss. Although you could be forgiven for assuming that spin class focus mainly on the legs, this type of exercise does offer a full-body workout. It is common knowledge that spin classes work for large muscle groups and...

Rarely do you find a gym without a spin room. A spin room is full of stationary bikes with either an automated video prompter or a live spin instructor. There are many reasons why this class is so popular, as they provide a lot of...

Riding efficiency, outdoor, indoors or in cycle/spin classes is complemented by a good fit. A correct fit promotes optimal joint angles for which your muscles will work from. Even so, it is important to have an understanding of what muscle groups are used, but more...